Dune for HBO

Frank Herbert’s Dune series is one of the enduring epics of Science Fiction: six original novels by Frank Herbert (and 11 and counting supplemental works written by Frank’s son Brian, and fellow novelist Kevin J. Anderson) spanning thousands of years of time with dozens of characters who remain some of the most complicated and beloved in the history of the genre. The first novel, Dune itself, has been adapted for screen twice: once by David Lynch for Universal Studios in 1984 and again in 2000 for the SyFy Channel (then the Sci-Fi Channel). The second two novels, Dune Messiah and Children of Dune, saw adaptation in 2003, again for the SyFy Channel.

But that’s not good enough. We live in a world now where J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings can be made into six outstanding two-to-three-hour long movies and where George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire can become a fantastic ongoing TV series on HBO, currently enjoying it’s third season. Why not Dune then?

Dune would be perfect for a network like HBO (or Showtime, since they need something to compete with Game of Thrones’ rising star). With over a dozen novels to draw from, and a near-mythical collection of notes written by the original author–from which Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson have been drawing material for their own instalments–the show could run for nearly as many seasons as Game of Thrones, if not even longer.

1 thought on “Dune for HBO

  1. Omg, I just had this exact thought the other night while watching the abominable ‘children of dune’ screen adaption. “The Game of Thrones producers are the ones who can do this right” I thought!

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